Haha, I’ve been watching the countdown at apple.com/itunes and now they’ve disabled it! It’s close to 100 million now, and they just shut it down! I thought I’d wait until it reached 99,950,000 or something but now I jsut have to spam apple with “tell a friend”-emails
Countdown to selling 100 million songs. You win alot of stuff you dl the 100 millionth.
I’m waiting to buy this album until its closer.
You can’t see it now
(they are counting down to the…
HEY hold on, it’s there again! must have been some temporary stuff!
well, just ignore this thread then.
watch it at http://www.apple.com/itunes/100million/
better watch it, there will be a big surge at the end there… and I dont know how acurate that web counter is. I certainly dont trust it.
Just a little tip for us kirupians, unless you missed it.
Quoted from the 100 Millionth Download Promotion
How To Enter. You will automatically be entered into the Promotion by: 1) downloading a song from iTunes (any Free Download Single of the Week will be deemed an ineligible entry); or 2) a free alternative means of sending an email to Apple at itunes100@apple.com via the iTunes “Tell a Friend” feature (a song download or Tell a Friend email will be deemed an “Entry(ies”). The “Tell a Friend” feature can be easily accessed at iTunes by selecting a song, and clicking the “Tell a Friend” link that is displayed for that song. One Entry will be automatically submitted for each song downloaded or Tell a Friend email sent.
Thanks for teh tip!
No problem
I think I’ve submitted 20 times by now, since, as senocular said, we don’t know how accurate that counter is.
I’ve had problems in the past with such counters for other things. That fact that it sometimes doesn’t go up and other times jumps up like 50 is kind of suspicious.
why are they counting tell a friend emails? That seems like the dumbest thing because then when the counter reaches 100 million the number of downloaded songs is really much lower then that. Or am I incorrect?
Wow, you have a good point there. ponders
advertising technique, apple now has a bigger number than anyone else!!! Competitors can’t mess with 100million things, done with stuff…
No - they are letting you enter the contest - not counting that as a song i think
I wonder who the lucky soul who won is?
Kevin Britten of Hays, Kansas downloaded Somersault (Dangermouse remix) by Zero7; the 100 millionth song purchased from the iTunes music store. He will receive a 17-inch PowerBook, a 40GB iPod, and a gift certificate for 10,000 iTunes songs to create the ultimate music library for his new iPod. In addition we awarded 50 special 20GB iPods — one to the purchaser of each 100,000th song downloaded between 95 million and 100 million songs.
lucky bastard…
uh huh
He will receive a 17-inch PowerBook, a 40GB iPod, and a gift certificate for 10,000 iTunes songs to create the ultimate music library for his new iPod.
holy poop on a stick! 10,000 songs?
uh huh