Arcade for the Forums!

Hey everyone,
After the heads up from Disco-Stu, I installed the vBulletin Arcade. You can click the Arcade link above or use the following URL: You can play, view the current champion, etc.

I’ll install a lot more games shortly.

If there are any games you would like, visit the developer’s site and tell me which games you all want: Registration is simple and doesn’t require e-mail activation.

Have fun :slight_smile:

Kirupa :ub:

sweet man that is awesome

I am shocked how anybody could have beat my whopping score of 460 on asteroids haha. (In my defense, I played it just to test it :P)

Gawd I thought space invaders would never stop !

This is a great addition to the forums !

edit: hey I got cool icons in my profile now :blush:

I don’t see a link above and the link just gives a blank page =(

I really ought to take a screenshot of my profile before someone takes up the cup :beam:

I’ll put that in my cv later in life :wink:

they are soo addicting!!! nice addition.

MTsoul - the arcade does not work on kirupaBlue. Actually, a lot of stuff does not work on the kirupaBlue style. I have removed it for you and everyone else’s own good :slight_smile:

If there are any games you would like, visit the developer’s site and tell me which games you all want: Registration is simple and doesn’t require e-mail activation. I’ll try to add most of the games up, but due to the popularity of the forums, I don’t want to kill the bandwidth with huge games!

2nd Tetris Champ, grrrrrrrrrr.

bring on the stick fighter

Fun! Now I can play these while waiting for people to respond to my posts!

So I take it your only goal in life is to spam the Kirupaforums?

Hey if it works for you, it’ll work for me, DIE SPACE INVADERS!

If you’re talking to me, I don’t spam the forums, I post on them.

They are like the magazines you have in waiting rooms…except a lot more fun :stuck_out_tongue:

EDIT: I can’t seem to find the installer for Stick Fighter. Were you able to find it by any chance idoik?

Yea, I really don’t like reading issues of Time from 1995 while waiting for a dentist appointment.

oh Yay! Yay! arcade!

Kirupa, can you add this tetris? . It is so much more smoother than the current one, and has some really neat graphics :slight_smile:

So cool :slight_smile:

Tetris Arcade and Kickups (one of my favorites from HS) are now in :slight_smile:


issues of Time from 1995

Oh you poor poor soul, I love going to the dentist, they have a subscription to cheerleader magazine :drool: