Hey everyone,
After the heads up from Disco-Stu, I installed the vBulletin Arcade. You can click the Arcade link above or use the following URL: http://www.kirupaforum.com/forums/arcade.php? You can play, view the current champion, etc.
I’ll install a lot more games shortly.
If there are any games you would like, visit the developer’s site and tell me which games you all want: http://www.v3arcade.com/play/arcade.php? Registration is simple and doesn’t require e-mail activation.
MTsoul - the arcade does not work on kirupaBlue. Actually, a lot of stuff does not work on the kirupaBlue style. I have removed it for you and everyone else’s own good
If there are any games you would like, visit the developer’s site and tell me which games you all want: http://www.v3arcade.com/play/arcade.php? Registration is simple and doesn’t require e-mail activation. I’ll try to add most of the games up, but due to the popularity of the forums, I don’t want to kill the bandwidth with huge games!