I’ve become so used and addicted to sms that I send close to 100 sms everyday… wondering if you guys r into it too…
I’ve become so used and addicted to sms that I send close to 100 sms everyday… wondering if you guys r into it too…
omg. do you have an unlimited plan or something?
i send 5 to 6 every week…for my dad to fetch me in school
almost none during summer vacation
100 a day. wow. I’m more a 20 a day man. Most of those are to my g/f.
hmm max 8 - 10 through out the day and that too to my office collagues who need to know something or the other.
its not exactly 100 everyday bt close to 60/70…very rarely i run out of my free sms…
ya i have 100 sms free every day :beam:
hmmm maybe a few a day…
bah i am not ur office collague or someone who needs to know something then why me?
as for sending sms’s none really… i prefer calling
*Love Police - dude may i know who that hot bod(Linda Strawberry) in your footer is? :stare:
I’m more of a call person. And as in call I don’t mean call to talk but call to make arrangements to meet. I like people personally.
But I also utilize msn a lot. It’s just communication while I’m doing other stuff on the comp.
personally though, i’d rather call:)
Is it weird that I have never sent an SMS message? Since Ive had a celly for the last 8 years.
I text about once a week maybe, or if sombody wants in my jungle or somthign usually more :lol:
I text if I want a simple yes or know answer to a question.
But I have way too many friends that try to carry a conversation via sms… it drives me up a wall.
Same, takes age to text a message. Thats why i love msn (-:
I understand that sms commercial now…
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