should be interesting to hear the comments, hehe
do you own a cel phone?
just curious…
of course, why you ask? this thing just rings and rings all day long
and I’m tired of it is all. That’s my inspiration for this…
i like it a whole whole whole lot
I figured out I was talking on my cel phone at home too much, so I gave up the cel phone. Best decision I have made in years…
that’s why…
It is so much like freedom without being able to be called when I am away from the office. I just make sure I check in when it is necessary…
I feel your pain bro…
Your next one should be of a hammer crushign the phone the title
“Problem Solved”
Noce pic man:beam:
haha yeah! I just might do that if it seriously doesn’t stop ringing
20+ times daily! :bad:
If I do, I will definitely take that pic.
nice pic! heh, you have it ringing 20+ times a day? well mine rings about 10+ times, out of which 80% of the time is some crazy dude who puts down the phone once u say something
Hsadan i get that too! lol UNFLUX i feel sorry for you man! Looks GREEEAT! (said like tony the tiger)
Thanks for the comments everyone. I appreciate it. =)
OMG I hate phones too!!!
So I love this image!
The text and motion blurs are what really make this nice though. I think the only thing I am a bit “iffy” on is the top of the phone, it looks kind of obvious it was cropped, or maybe thats just part of the blur and it happens to look like that. Not sure.
yeah i know it’s a tad sloppy, as I did it quickly. I’ll go in and clean
it up. Thanks for pointing out my sloppiness!
thanks lost.
wow unflux, this picture is awsome!
thx alex.
T’is always true, I’ll be playing a 1v1 in UT or something and the opponent will be like, hmm brb phone! So i just kill him while he’s standing there…Hell i joined to play not to wait…
Its awesome Unflux!! :beam: I love the background and the text looks nice and bright, cool
- Soul :s: