are you guys actually making your own toolbars and things? like flash mx skins?
my dad gave me mx but I still use 5 for some reason
Flash MX actionscripting is definitely better. All it takes to like MX is getting over that horrible interface, as you get used to it you don’t notice it though.
sniff sniff…
<~wishing he could afford this great treat that everyone else is sampling.
It’s a lot like looking at someone else eating a NY style cheese cake but not being able to have a slice yourself.
Soon I think… I really do need to get it.
If it helps, I never had a NY Style Cheescake before. Does that even the odds at all david?
nope… cause I got the 30 day trial download of MX… so I got to try it.
Oh, well then thats just not fair!
I still have 5 on my hard drive for those ‘just in case’ senarios. But otherwise i’m with dan. I LOVE MX.
and dan how did you make the footer?!
Yup, I kept Flash 5 while I sampled the trial. Then I made it official and uninstalled 5. Haven’t had any “just in case” scenarios since!
You hopefully wont either. The tutorial on ‘The Ray of Light’ is what i’m doing now. Its flash 5 but it seems to be going well so far. Well i’ll post it when done.
I think that I’m going to break down and buy it this week. I’ve got the cash… I should just go for it.
Have you tried it yet? the interface is weird at first, so make sure you can get used to it.
:)… see my post above.
Of course I have. I actually found the interface to be better than the one in 5.0, but I think such things are personal choice. It certainly warrents looking into a second monitor for my comp though.