I’m really sick. And I don’t know what to do. What would you do in my case ?!
Sick as in coug cough sick or like a sick-o?
Eat a whole lot, turkey, loads of gravy, and extra side of desert!
then puke. you might fell better after that.
just go to bed, sleep is the best thing for a cold.
yeah, there are two vastly different ways that could go…
Ok, I see you guys want to know the whole story.
It all began on a normal day and my alarm was not working. My hostfamily here was wondering why my shoes were still here, but they just thought I would wear another pair today. So I was slpeeing until 1.30 and noone noticed. When I got up I was feeling really bad and that was the point when the cold started.
Today I planed to go to school, but my throat was hurting even worse than yesterday. And that’s the story.
So I’m really sick this time
Vitamin C baby! Eat a poop load! It will seriously help you out!
You need to increase your imune system, and get plenty of vitamins so it can recover fast.
Aeh, I’m not really firm in english, so what the hack is a ‘poop load’ ?!?
poop load = a whole lot.
drink lots of orange juice, eat chicken soup
also take some echinachea and goldenseal, they will build up your immune system, and for immediate releif, get Aleive cold and sinus 12 hour relief… that stuff is AWESOME
Ich bien un berliner!
Nien, nien , Ich bien un Ivan Swine!
Das is gud, ja?
Fallshimajager!! :beam:
haha, nice
Sprehen ze deutch?
cuz I donT!
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