Argh! Why won't this work?

I’m using Jubba’s actionscripted text tutorial and it works fine. I’ve added new movie clips with the same code but just added ‘2’ onto the end of the variables and nothing happens… I’ve checked over everything and I can’t find out what’s wrong :frowning:

Please help. Thanks.


anyone? :sigh:

lol you’re still having trouble with this stuff?!

I’m not laughing at you, I’m laughing at me, because that makes me feel as though my tutorial was written poorly.

I don’t have time tonight to take a look at it, but I will look tomorrow morning when I have a chance. :slight_smile:

Jubba, the tutorial is fine and I’ve got one set of text working fine but the problem is with the 2nd text. I can understand why you laugh because I’ve been going on about this for months!! lol It’s just cause I’ve had uni in between so I’m finally getting back to it!

Thanks for your help and I’ll look forward to your reply. :beam:

Ok Jubba can’t help me because he is moving but please anyone, I’m trying to make a site for my mum and this is holding me up. Actionscript wiz’s please help! :frowning:

which tutorial ? (link)

Here it is: Actionscripted Text