Poor larry’s been through a lot… He was shot, and thus paralized from the waste down, but even worse, he had his love interest portrayed by courtney love in a hollywood movie… poor guy…
I do, however think that she was cast perfectly for that role though… I could just hear the casting director now, “Lets see, we need a trashy, crap-talking, drug-addicted, sucked-up crack whore to play Alphia… hmmm, somebody get me couortney love on line one…”
sorry for straying… but anyway, i happen to know someone whos father is running for governor. He’s a local radiologist named Frank Macalouso Jr. He’s an outstanding citizen, a very decent guy, and has many good ideas, but not much political experience…
Besides Phil then, who can you recommend? He must be without fault and capable of producing a super world - all without compromise or rash to the most sniveling of men.
Uhh, and Mr. Antichrist, you aren’t eligible. :pope:
they’re already calling him the “Governator” ! lol
i like arnold / t3
went to the US with nothing, became Mr Universe, a famous, rich actor… how can he not be somehow intelligent?
He is not from America. He more than some of us who were born here, knows that America is a land of freedom and opportunity.
He’s a very driven man. I work out pretty **** hard and my legs are the size of his arms. He has shown years and years of dedication to his bodybuilding, and it shows with all his Mr. Universe Titles.
He’s very very wealthy. He was rich before he started acting by investing his bodybuilding money.
He doesn’t need to run for money.
He doesn’t need to run for publicity.
He is charismatic.
He’s intelligent.
So far I think he has every reason to be a hopeful candidate for governor.
Yeah - same here. I like Arnold, but I’m not sure if the budget deficits are easily clogged up by having a famous/good person in office. He’d make a great governor, but the problems facing CA are partially caused by the collapse of the high-tech industry, less-intake from property taxes caused by cheaper/unused properties, etc.
I don’t think the problems can be solved by any one individual, but I may be wrong.