you only need 65 signatures, and $3500 to be in the Gov. recall election… if you get 150 sigs and have a minor political party, the fee is waved…
lets see how many people we can get on the ballot!
you only need 65 signatures, and $3500 to be in the Gov. recall election… if you get 150 sigs and have a minor political party, the fee is waved…
lets see how many people we can get on the ballot!
I’d sign something to get senocular on balot.
he’s not in California…
you can run…
umm… naw… too much work, but i’d do a better job.
I’d vote for EG!
how about Edwin?
heck RelandR!
Is there a requirement that the candidate must be a human? If they would allow animals such as the cool/annoying sea gulls they have in SF run, it might be cool to see it placed on a ballot :asian:
EDIT: Never mind; forgot about the age and residency requirements. Turtles on the other hand…
I vote for phil, the “world dictator” that got beaten up and jailed in the bottom of a reverend’s basement. He is living in california right now, but since he’s the grandson of hitler, I doubt he’d get elected :P.
you must be 18 yrs old, and a US Citizen… and a registered California voter…
you have to be human to register to vote…
or do you?
*Originally posted by NaliWarCow *
**I vote for phil, the “world dictator” that got beaten up and jailed in the bottom of a reverend’s basement. He is living in california right now, but since he’s the grandson of hitler, I doubt he’d get elected :P. **
I thought it was Mussolini?
I was actually referring to >>>>this<<<< thread. He doesn’t know who his grandfather is, but he knows he’s half germ, half austrian. Plus he does look a bit like Hitler, doesn’t he?
But seriously, I don’t get much california governor news other than the stupid arnold stuff. Who is it looking like will win the election if the governor is kicked out and lt. gov says he’ll let there be an election?
great … Benito Jayhan :sure:
… [size=1]but it does have a cooler ring to it than Phill~Hitler ![/size]
I could run. In a couple of months when I turn 18… Then we could oust Bush as president and go back to having a real country
talk about delusions of grandure…
I’m just talking Governor here…
Phil Mussolini Jayhan would make a good candidate for governor. Unless it came down to an arm-wrestline match between he and Arnold the Terminator 3, I think Phil has a good chance.
i would run if we went by dog years, and we flew me out to cali, and i was a voter. lets have rev run! i mean as long as T3 dont show up he can do it! or RelandR.
And what kind of italian discrase aer you guys trying to commit? musolini jayhan? oh brother…heheh
Now all we need Phil is a picture of you hugging little kids and petting a panda bear at the San Diego Zoo
oooh, can we get a photo op in a flight suit?
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