||lets get some battles!||

hey like at BBForum, lets get a battle section! what do you think kirupa?


Me and kirupa are talking about that…don’t worry, I am positive its going to be active soon, just have to pan things out!


I would love to get into some photohop battles, and maybe even flash if I can figure the ■■■■ thing out well enough :slight_smile:

Yeah me 2! :stuck_out_tongue:

As long as there will be battles other than AS’s…

…or sumthin’…

well it can be anything, you pick the rules! 3 for no 4 for yes! its close! PLZ VOTE IF YOU HAVENT!


As long as things are kept friendly and civil. I don’t want people getting mad about things like this. If things are kept friendly and in good fun I don’t see why not have them. And if someone doesn’t accept a chalenge no trash talk about them. Mabye they have something important to do and just don’t have the time.

Kirupa already gave me control of battles, we will add the feature today, also a moderator only forum! Battles will include everything, from art to flash to 3d!

Can’t wait:)

yep, me too!

Does a tird party pick the rules or the chalanger. I think a third party would work best.

Third party, you mean moderator?

I believe he just means anyone not actually participating in the battle, no need for them to be a mod


In a battle you can A)Decide the rules between eachother B)The challenger chooses the rules C)If the challenger is confident, then the challenged can choose the rules.

Battles sound cool. I hope it doesn’t start any fights though :-\

It shouldn’t, it is all good clean fun.

Also, I hope it doesn’t make all the people from Billies Forum come here just to post battles… they have their own area for that. Not that they aren’t welcome here, but coming here just to battle people here when they have their own forum to do it… well it just doesn’t make sense to me.

We always have dan here to regulate the fighter, you know I’m good at regulating!

regulating = BAN!

LOL :stuck_out_tongue:

I guess i’ll have to get into training.

::eye of the tiger plays while I punch hangging meat:::evil:

i’m so exited, and i just cant hide it…i know i know and i think i like it…