
I was just playing around with ps and I liked it, so I want to see how you like it…

cool! Awesome! Very cool! I like it! But I read “War is solution no” LOL

;p If you would read it really from the top to the bottom, you could also say: Is war solution? no!


Read it like you want, but don’t forget the no…

read it from the top?
“Is war c!ryx artworks s0lution no” lol :stuck_out_tongue:

Don’t be to exact (-:

I know how to make the clouds :slight_smile:
Mine is not as good as yours though! (well fo course not) :wink:

Cool effect you’ve created. :slight_smile:

It’s really easy to make, you have to play with “Tonwertkorektur” thats it in German. Its the first thing on image->adjustment

And then yust colorize it a bit…

and make it really contrast and voila!

I think it could of been better, the use of filters is too obvious and it’s nothing too amazing cause I’ve seen filter effects many times. Play around with it a bit more until you can no longer tell that it was down with filters then what would be very cool. =)

i could pick this apart but i dont feel like it. that and it looks pretty good…

Yeah, I like the look. I’ve always said simplicity is one of the most attractive forms of art.