dont know if this is the right place to post this but…
My problem is i’m more of a designer that i am a coder…but i need to get the coding part down also cause the stuff i see out there cant be done without actionscript…
i’ve tried the tutorials done a few,brought books,…but my problems is i’m not comprehending what i need to move forward…do u guys memorize all that **** code? or is there only certain things you need to definately know and use the panels in flash to generate the rest for you? just seems like i’m missing where everything is joined together… if this sounds confusing to you maybe it is cause my *** is very much confused…
Basically fellas to sum it up i would like to get sum feedback on how sumone like myself (not a coder at all ) can compliment my creativity with AS coding…and understanding it…
I know this might seem kinda impossible for sum of yall to answer …and sum might be saying well read the tutorials.(which i have done) … but what would be the main things to concentrate on before going too deep into all that coding.?.
(I do know how to use flash …have been messing with it for a few…but cant comprehend the coding aspect to the level where i can feel like i know what the hell i’m doin)…
…feedback is greatly needed… dont mean to sound so desperate…lol…but for real i am…
thanx for your time on reading that long *** letter…lol