I have wanted to learn Actionscripting… But I have no knowledge of any programming language. Is it a must to have a programming knowledge…??
From where do I start of learning actionscripting? How can I better understand it??? Is there any method in which i need to learn?
I start working on something… but I land up nowhere… coz I cant understand the concept of it… how to go about a step by step learning…
Is there any method u guys used to learn AS??? or is it an inborn talent
:cantlook: help me learn AS… cant see anyone… I feel bad… I am not able to learn it… and find my way
you don’t need to have other programming languages already known, otherwise how would you learn the first one?! having said that, there are some languages that are quite easy so you understand the basics.
if i were you i would just look at some tutorials for basic things (do a g00gle search for actionscript basics) and start to understand not only the actual lines of code but what they do, why they do it and the structuring.
a lot of people find the hardest part is actually conceptualising exactly what you need to do. So if you can even write down in plain english (or whatever language!) each step, then you can learn how to write it in AS and you’ll be on your way to your own coding!!
but yeah, lots of tutorials does help you get a grounding.
Try and do a few tutorials, then try and do the same thing from scratch without looking at the tut, see if you can remember how to structure/write the code…thats a good way to problem solve something as you can always check the answer…
when I first started flash my first main project mainly involved scene control (ie. play, stop, goto, etc) and buttons controlling 3 different videos. I eventually moved into games, nothing major just a few small engines, involving hittests, arrays, loops and contitions. Start small, your knowledge will grow.
I think also you should look at Flash’s integrated manual that can be accessed in the Help menu. Just start basic like creating a button, movieclip. Learn how the main timeline works and then you imagine. Say to yourself, “I want this button to move here to here, how?” Go from there. The video tutorials on Kirupa.com now are very helpful.
it helped me learn actionscript that I already had a good knowledge of JavaScript but I don’t think thats entirely necessary. If you just want to learn actionscript then this is a good place to start
tutorials are a good place to start. but first it is a pretty good idea to determine what you wish to accomplish with AS. websites? experiments? animation? you need to set some goals. when learning by yourself the best way to do is to do it. set up a project and learn, do, learn, do. the reward is the key.
motivation is the key whatever you wish to learn. if you aint interested in it, then what’s the point learning it?