Cuepoint button problems

Hi all,

Can anyone shed any light on this issue. I’m afraid I’m a bit of a novice in AS3.

I have built a site around the FLVPlayback component using cuepoint buttons to jump between areas of the video (tutorial from adobe dav site). The problem is that the video jumps between cuepoints via the button clicks, only when the video has been fully streamed otherwise the videoplayer often freezes.

Rather than use the navigate to cuepoint position would it be better to attempt to remove the video stream and then to reload it to the cuepoint in question and if so how could I attempt this???

link to view problem -

This is my code which I have attained by following one of adobe’s own tutorials on their dev site.

// Video event handling
// Create an event handler function to catch the
// cue event from the FLVPlayback instance.

function cuePointHandler( event:MetadataEvent ):void
// On cuePoint, look for a button named with the cue name
// plus “_btn”. If it exists, then call its select method…
navigate(, false);
display.addEventListener(MetadataEvent.CUE_POINT, cuePointHandler);

// Navigation / screen state

// Store the current button name
var currentBtn:*;
var currentBtnName:String = “”;

function navigate( cueName:String, seekTo:Boolean ):void
// Handle previous button
var prev = getChildByName(currentBtnName);
if( prev != null ){
// Handle new button
var next = getChildByName(cueName+"_btn");
if( next != null ){
currentBtn = next;;
currentBtnName = cueName+"_btn";
// Seek to Cue Name
if( seekTo == true ){
var c = display.findCuePoint(cueName);
if( c != null ){

// Button event handling

// one_btn
function oneHandler( event:MouseEvent ):void
navigate(“one”, true);

//and 4 more similar buttons

If anyone has any solutions I would be very grateful for any nuggets of wisedom.