Hey, I’ve just written this piece of code, it might be useful to someone.
It’s a simple utility to have add/removeEventListener (dispatchEvent should work too) working for all default MovieClip events.
I should get some time and modify the EventDispatcher so it would scope the handler function to the object that called addEventListener to avoid delegating everything, but it shouldn’t be a problem. (BTW is that possible because of copyrights or do I have to write own EventDispatcher?)
import mx.events.EventDispatcher;
class com.metju.utils.General
public static function goPlaces ( mc : MovieClip ) : Void
EventDispatcher.initialize ( mc );
var handlers : Array = ['onData', 'onDragOut', 'onDragOver',
'onEnterFrame', 'onKeyDown', 'onKeyUp',
'onKillFocus', 'onLoad', 'onMouseDown',
'onMouseMove', 'onMouseUp', 'onPress',
'onRelease', 'onReleaseOutside', 'onRollOut',
'onRollOver', 'onSetFocus', 'onUnload'];
var l : Number = handlers.length;
for ( var i : Number = 0; i < l; i++ ) {
// handler function
var s : String = handlers*
mc[handlers*] = function () {
// get what function is being called
for ( var s : String in this )
if ( this[s] == arguments.callee )
// dispatch the event
this['dispatchEvent'] ( { type:s, target:this} )
and usage
var mc : MovieClip = createEmptyMovieClip ( 'mc', 1 );
com.metju.utils.General.goPlaces ( mc );
mc.addEventListener ( 'onEnterFrame', lalala );
function lalala ()
trace ( this + ' YAAAAY!' );