[AS3] 4 Way tile based scrolling - Needing Help


For the last couple days I have been working on creating a very simple movement system that follows a tile based system.

After creating the system through a tutorial initially, I found that the movement of the character wasnt smooth enough, so I looked up, and corrected that.

Now for the last part of my mission: To make the map scroll. I’ve been all over google, downloaded countless examples, read numerous tutorials and came up with the same result: nothing.

I would say this tutorial probably would be the one to use, as its is AS3 and updated to using addchild instead of attachMovieclip


But as there is no solid code and just snippets of what should be a solid tutorial to follow and finish. I appreciate that the guy is trying to go beyond a copy and paste type tutorial but at this point I understand the logic I just can’t get the fkn thing to work right.

Then whereas this tutorial is more simplified:

Yet has older code in it, which I can’t use in AS3.

I’ve tried combining the two methods, like I did with my initial movement script, but that has failed horribly. I know I have to use some like of BitmapData or copyPixels command to make it work, but I think from tutorial to tutorial to tutorial the logic is starting to break down a bit? (different methods for moving etcetc)

Anyways, im at a stand still. I’ve plugged into numerous examples and such and just cannot get it to work. Im almost to the point of pulling my hair out and going with a mapxmap system without scrolling, but I really want scrolling. :\

Here’s what I have so far:

If you have any spare time and want to take a stab at it, I’m just looking for simple, simple scrolling. As you can see by the movement system the point is to keep it light and straight to the point.

If you could help me out here, I would really appreciate it.