it’s the part of the .NET platform - excellent language to learn and is cross-platform ok
dont go the php-mysql route, if you want to learn business database solutions stick with ASP - its what the feds use->between asp/access and asp/mysql…
I’ve got a lot of know-how in it; and I love it. What software came with the book? The Visual Studio client? More information; it’s well worth the learn however…
for you need a server with the .net framework installed
for plain asp(the older version -’s predeccesor" you need a server that can handle asp extensions
you can do all sorts of things with - shopping carts you see on people’s websites, member databases, content management systems, login/password authentication, variable managed websites…possibilites are almost endless…
asp101 has some great write-ups and sample code
its a great tool to use; but it does take dedication to learn - it won’t come neccessarily overnight