…he’s been getting on my nerves lately, may i ban him?
haha, but seriously I think he could make it as a mod. he’s here all the time, he handles most situations maturely, and most of all he enforces the search button!!!
I bring this up because our mod numbers are diminishing; EG is on haitus, sbeener is rarely here, edwin seems to be caught up in his art, and ren isn’t here.
Well, I consider him to be a mate, so I wouldn’t want to have much of a say in this one, it would hardly be fair.
I would say that he’s definitely more of an Edwin than an sbeener - he hangs around in D&D and Site Check a lot more than the main Flash forums, but does help out a lot in there.
And yeah, he does tell people to use the Search button.
[EDIT]And I know he’ll be working for me in a few weeks time, but look at how much time I spend on the forums…
Ahmed - also a good guy, knows his stuff and helps out.[/EDIT]
yeah, ahmed’s a good kid on and off the forums. kax is also a great help on those forums. i dunno, we’ll let the majority decide, and most of all, kirupa.
I like both Ahmed and Kax It’s up to you all though; I am willing to do whatever you all suggest. I think we can use a few extra mods with most of our current mods busy. Asphalt would make a good addition as well :ub:
Asphalt is consistently on the boards, and he is an interesting and dynamic individual who helps out in other forums besides random I haven’t seen much of ray recently, and I don’t think I have seen him posting in any area except Random for the most part.
EDIT: I’m sure we can use 3 more mods - especially with Random about to hit 100k posts, and as others mentioned, most of the moderators having their hands tied with other responsibilities
Raydred has been keeping out of random for the most part, that is why I brought him up, I think he may have to prove more than he is willing to help more to become mod, but for a start he has been improving.
I still don’t know entirely about Asphalt. Pretty much the only posts I have seen from him are the ones he posts in threads I post in, so I don’t know that much about him.
Thor: Nice elastic window (link in footer), to think what I got you started on evolved into that…hehe