do we? it seems as if mods are on all the time, regardless of whether or not we actually interact with other folks or threads, we’re all still around (so I thought)
There’s a few guys that would be cool to have on just because they’ve done a lot for the community but I don’t think we have any need for new mods at all.
I try to be around when I can but I know that I’m not around as much as I used to be. And I’m basically useless at Flash these days, lol. Mostly I feel like I shuffle spam and babysit some of the younger members.
So if you feel like some help could be had Digi then I support that.
And while we’re on the subject, anyone heard from stringy in the past age? My emails to him bounce, but maybe he changed it recently?
i won’t be much help in selecting mods since i hardly go into the more important threads anymore… i usually hit random, computer/tech and the ever so popular drawing and design, lol…
I just check my emails regularly and smack down any spam on reported posts. I’ve got a method down now for getting rid of spam threads and spammer members super quick and efficiently just call me the SPAMERNATOR!
i will leave the modding up to you, but i will keep a eye out on this thread.
The way I see it, one of the main reasons to have mods is to recognize those who have helped the community out. It shouldn’t be seen as a way to get more work out of our members. As a mod, a member should feel comfortable always doing what he / she has always done (or not done :P) and nothing extra. Of course, they are also free to not do anything afterwards at all!
If there are things you feel require paying attention to such as troublesome forums or rowdy members, let me know and that can be taken care off. I don’t want you all to play the role of babysitters…unless you really want to!
Anyhoo, with that said, wouldn’t it be cool to have Krilnon and TheCanadian as mods? :beam:
I personally don’t like Krilnon much at all. I find him to be arrogant, smug, and pretty unfriendly - although that’s just my opinion and you certainly shouldn’t feel you have to make decisions based on my sole opinion
He’s younger than most of us, if that counts for anything. And he is super smart. I’ve had many, MANY conversations with him through email and PM and he’s really a great guy. He’s also a HUGE help. I think he’s grown up a LOT in the past few years. Remember Eilsoe’s cartoon? He’s come a long way from that. I see him as a huge help around here and I’d vote him in as a mod in a heartbeat.
CanadaDry :beam: is also cool. He’s an old-timer who is also a big help and I like him too.
TheCanadian’s pretty cool, I’d want him in with us for sure. Oh and he listens to (what I feel is) great music, so that’s a plus!
I don’t know about Krilnon. If one were to grant moderatorships based on forum contributions, Krilnon qualifies handily. He’s active in what is kirupaForum’s central theme–the Flash and Actionscript boards. Looking at his posts there he’s plenty helpful (in stark contrast to my contributions there and everywhere else on KF). I don’t find him unfriendly, though. He was a little obsessive with the never-ending reports, but that has long since dwindled.
I think they’re both OK. I agree with h88, based on activity, Krilnon seems to be very helpful (but so is Anogar for example). I don’t know about the friendliness or lack thereof, I didn’t get the chance to talk too much with either of them, but I can’t say I have noticed anything weird. Perhaps I missed some of the relevant threads?
I think Krilnon is actually pretty nice! I met him in person a while back when he was visiting colleges, and outside of a few stab wounds and poisoning attempts, I still lived
Don’t count me out just yet. Been reading Colin Moocks most recent book and been doing tutorials to get back in the groove. No guarantee, but you should see me logging more time. Not that it matters. I’m pretty Flashtarded at the moment.