I know we just made two users mods, but should we have to decide again, I elect this guy. I searched through his posts and the majority involved helping in the Help forums.
Also he caught a couple crossposters before any of us could (he reported them as some of you may have noticed) and my guess is that he would’ve taken care of it (deleted them) had he the power. :-\
To turn things around, do you think if people started noticing the most helpful users becoming mods, that will give a little incentive for those (normal users) to help each other out?
Yeah - the next time we’ll consider him. Asphalt is away on vacation, and I think raydred is too busy with his job to be considered for any mod position at this point.
well, think of the number thus far. ren doesn’t come around as much, sbeener has been AWOL forever…i’m not saying elect him already. just when the time comes.
and just for giggles, I would like to say that 3d-iva would be a great mod. He doesn’t go to random, but that’s okay… He helps out with every post, does site check a lot, and has great artistic skills…
*Originally posted by Kitiara *
**I still think Asphalt would be great as a mod with an artistic leaning, but again, no need right now. **
:sure: oh yeah…art…
we’re about to get into a 1 to 1 ration on mods and members. I think we should simply have a realistic ratio… that way we’ll know when we need more mods.
Phil - did the 4 tacos from Burger King have some sort of weird spice that is causing you to consider Nali as a mod? While he is a good friend of mine from the real world, I don’t think he has any of the qualifications yet on becoming a mod.
If you are looking at Ordered/Random, I think RussianBeer would be a good dhoice. In the end, moderators need to have everything you mention as well as motivation. The guy who builds the ark is more valuable after all than the one who predicts rain. Top Secret has numerous names that were mentioned such as claudio, but after a few months, those names were largely forgotten. It’s all about moderation and consistency - it will be better for the forums to have someone who puts in 10% of their time for 10 years instead of 1000% of their time for 1 year.
I think, at this point, we have such members as mods already. If we were to find someone who meets all of your requirements, we’ll nominate them and run them for political office in whichever country they may be in
kirupa, is it possible to make sub-mods? like certain users have mod abilities in certain forums? Help in this case for claudio?
Also, maybe i’m taking this mod thing too far. Everytime i see someone who stands out among the rest, I automatically want to consider him or her as a mod. I know eg’s probably getting bitter and tired over all the times i’ve wanted to elect someone as a mod and i’m sorry. i guess i’ll step backstage in the whole mod decision making from now on.
Thor, Claudio is a perfect candidate for modship. I don’t mind having more mods, what I do mind is having people who spam their way into modship.
I’m proud of being a mod here and I wear the title with great pride, it’s like winning a trophy.
When someone like Soul or Asphault gets nominated for modship, it’s like a slap in the face for me. My shiney trophy isn’t special no more if spammers like them are able to achieve it. Even Raydred was nominated and he’s not even here most of the time. He’s a great guy and all, but I’m more about how that person is like around here.
Thor you said that bringing in Claudio would be an incentive for others to help out. I totally agree with that, but if a spammer gets nominated for modship, that’s an incentive for a mod like me to leave.
We have more mods now, but spam is still on the rise and I understand that it’s something we have no control over. I avoid Random as much as possible, but I see it happen in other sections as well. I don’t see anyone do anything about it. What am I suppose to do? Ban everyone?! Wow I would love to ban all the idiots on my hit list. There have been many people getting on my nerves lately, I try to keep the peace and ignore it. Then now I hear that we want another mod. For what?!? So we could be a big happy family in Top Secret while the regular members wreak havoc on the forums? No one seems to care no more, even myself, I don’t even do anything no more. It’s like none of the mods are taking action, why should I?
Sorry everyone, I needed to let that out. I think ahmed is sick of hearing me b*tch about this forum.
*Originally posted by thoriphes * kirupa, is it possible to make sub-mods? like certain users have mod abilities in certain forums? Help in this case for claudio?
Back in the FlashDevils days, we had a group called ‘Community Guides’, who had only a few moderators’ previliges, and other communities (FlashMove) are doing it too… A Guide can later on be promoted to be a mod…
I don’t mean to offend anyone, from now on I will not stick my nose into anymore of this nominating new mod business. Whatever you guys decide will be fine with me.