Assistance needed : Video capture cards

I’ve decided I’m going to go out and buy myself a video capture card. I have many sites, and would like to capture video and images from my tv. but i’m kind of confused about this.

can someone go there and answer me these questions?
What do I connect it to my computer with? USB or something? And do I attach my VCR with the cable… and the cable goes into my computer? Because I want to tape something off TV (i have sattelite) onto VHS, then attach my VCR to my computer, and then transfer it to my computer…

is this something that would help me? or do you guys have a better suggestion. I dont want to spend more then 100

Thank you =)

i’ve got a card similar to that one. You’ve got your composite video for your VHS and/or your electronic entertainment, then there’s the coaxial input for your cable television (or antenna), and the audio input is actually an 1/8" audio connector like your normal headphones; you’ll need to go to radio shack to buy an adaptor to be able to convert the RCA plugs (red and white audio connectors) to be able to connect it to this video card.

also, if you end up buying this card, you’ll need good software. one i highly recommend is called “Dscaler”. It’s high-res, and image capture is easy. Video capture doesn’t work that well, but there are programs out there that can do it for you, all you’d need is the card.

ok, so in english…
there is a cable for vhs, tv and audio.
so if i wanted JUST pictures… id just connec the vhs to my computer, would I need a adapter for that?

sorry, im a little slow with hardware :slight_smile:
i dont wanna spend 80odd bucks and not know what the heck to do

naw, your VHS would most likely fit right in the composite end (the yellow connection). then you’d need software to take the pictures.

ohh ok, i see… so the red and yellow cables… instead of plugging everything in, i’d just plug the yellow cable into my capture device, get some software, and id be off to the races?

and is that a good price for a vid. cap card?

well, i got this no name $40 video capture, that works like a charm. you only really pay extra for the software and the pretty packaging.

it’s up to you, if you like buying high end stuff, go ahead. but if you like to gamble (like me;)) on OEM software, i’d recommend it, since it seems you only want to take screenshots from a video.

ok, where the hell can i can OEM software?
and yes, all i wanna do is screen caps. but i dont know of any computer stores in my area… i would if i looked