I would appreciate any feedback on my newest game…
any suggestions, comments, bugs, etc…
thanks in advance for any feedback.
I would appreciate any feedback on my newest game…
any suggestions, comments, bugs, etc…
thanks in advance for any feedback.
pretty fun but once that ship gets moving, IT GETS MOVING!
Good job! going to go play some more
yeah Nicely done!
Enjoyable game.
Pretty, good, but I agree with The Pete One that the ship accelerates too fast. Also, I ran into a glitch where one of the asteroids was hovering off screen and not moving, so the level wouldn’t continue. Finally after some random shooting I managed to kill it.
Also, you should change the spawning to eliminate cases of the asteroid spawning on the ship. Even though you have the shield, it sucks the fun away if one of the asteroids is gone before you start playing.
the physics are weird sometimes…
but still, it’s nice:)
fun times…although sometimes the meteor is positioned right next to me when i restart…instantly killing me. this causes me to get angry . nice work.
thanks for the feedback guys!
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