Australia and East Timor

Well like the US going to help Iraq. (oil)

Australia went to help East Timor. (gas)

One political party is now running ads saying how 8 in 100 kids will die by the age of 5 because of poor heath care.

They are saying Australia has recieved $2000 Million in gas Taxes and have returned only $400 Million.

That Australia left some international organisation so that we could rob East Timor.

Like I have said before…
You can twist and turn it however you like…
But it’s all about the money…
The 2 real reasons wars are fought. Resources and Land…

And Australia don’t want East Timors Land, and the US dont want Iraq’s land.
So that only leaves the money…

I’m not sure the US don’t want Iraq’s land. Not as such, but they want Iraq as an ally to have a stronger foothold in this region, that’s for sure.

About Australia… mmh, interesting. Going to get more on the subject.

well the us did it not only for the oil they also want controle of the middle east iraq is a strategic country in that region, if they build a big army base like they did in the philipines they have more intelligence and they can manipulate more countries for their oil

see its still about oil

At least the australian lead liberation was sanctioned by the United Nations, and the main reason we went there wasn’t the gas it was acutally, the fact that indonesia gave the east timorese people the choice to vote for indepndance / then they wouldn’t hand over power, and when they did they burnt down every major building in the country / they also let loose heavily armed and highly trained millitias to attack the people. UN security council gave us the green light we went in.

so australia at great expence (i think we got a tax or so for a couple of years so we could help pay for the war) sent over a failry large force (i think it was about 2000 people ~ 1/10 of our army ) and our crack SAS force ‘invaded’ and took control of the air port and a dock and our troops moved in clearing out the millitia, then we got other nations involved. to help rebuild the country, after teh bulk of our troops left we sent in our federal police force to help train the East Timorese police force and we still have a fair few people over there. We have given millions in Aid and stuff.

I don’t beleve that the reason we wnet there was for the gas but it is a bonus and that our government has factored it somehow into there budget for the next few years and thats why they won’t let up. Any way there was an agrement signed by the east Timor government about gas rights and they just want more money cos they were stupid enough to sign at a low bargin price but they now want to change the deal cos we ripped it off, and wwe are sticking to the original deal.

sorry for the unstructuced anwser with bad gramma and spelling but yeah my brain is dead been studying too much got my final exams in like 2.5 weeks

Everything you have just said is correct as far as I know…

But the question is, would we have went in their if there was no profit to be made ?

I bet my left nut that whatever it cost us, we are getting 10 times that in return.

If we were there to help them, we should have done it because it was the right thing to do and fair enough they can pay us what it cost us since they have the resources to do so.

If we take a cent more than it cost us, then we were there for our own gain and to take advantage of their poor situation. Shame on our government…

yes we would have went there if there was no money to be made because we would want Indonesia to own as little realstate near our borders as posible thats one reason why we would want to help East Timor