So I got to see this this weekend. To be honest, I didn’t knwo what to expect. It could be kinda cool, it coold be lame, it could be… well whats left? average. When I first heard about it being made, I was scared, but during production it seemed to be a promising flic. I still hadn’t had much high hopes for the movie but I saw it anyway
The good news is, it doesn’t suck. Its not great - it won’t be a block-buster, but I walked away fairly pleased. The pace is quick and theres enough action/suspense throughout pretty much the whole movie that there’s never a point where you feel bored or fear that things are getting slow.
The fighting between the aliens and predators (what fighting there was) was definitely made up the highlights of the movie. There were a few good, limited uses of slow motion (one which made you think matrix!) that really worked well and added to the scene. Admittedly, during one my arm shot up in the air to cheer… a little. It was a good one.
In terms of the Aliens and Predators, you really don’t learn too much about the former but get a little peak into some of the history of Predators. They make enough real-world relationships to make you go “oh… uh huh; I see,” too. Its nothing spectacular, but enough to set forth a little purpose or meaning for the species (and what they mean to us). The Aliens are just as objects - with a bad attitude, but they show their stuff too.
Overall I think it was a decent show. Nothing corny but I still laughed once or twice so it doesnt try to take itself seriously yet remains to be “cool” for either Aliens or Predator fans. I think fans of either series will get a kick out of this movie but I don’t know if it will make any favorites lists or not.
I give it a [size=4]7/10[/size]
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[includes possible spoilers]
Ok, so I have a couple of complaints.
Has the temple been used before? If so, why is there no apparent damage from before? Would it be something they rebuild? If so, when? Not a big deal. Just one of those things that make you think, hey!
the queen seemed like she was laying eggs exactly where she was supposed to. How did she know to do that? Kind of convenient :sleep:
When the one alien got his face chopped off, why didn’t any acid come out? It seems to be shooting out anytime anything else happens. Why not then? Could it not be in the head? - no because the net-cut-head alien got his lines from acid, right?
the one dude said that the mayan (I think) calendar was metric, based on tens. So he had this idea that the temple would change layout every ten minutes. Ok, but what are minutes? They divide hours in 60, not 10 or 100… and what are hours? They make up 24 divisions in the day, also not a multiple of 10. So what makes 10 minutes so valid there?
they were on an island right? with land? So why was there a big cliff right next to the location of the temple that apparently went straight down into some insanely deep level of water? Shouldnt there be… more land? And if not, wouldnt the drop-off from land to water be more gradual? I dont recal the map exactly and whether or not the site was that close to water, but it seemed a little off to me.
Are we to assume the queen died at the end? She just sunk in some water - and only due to a small chain. If they can survive space, being frozen for 100 years, I don’t know if the water and that chain will hold her… besides, she wont go that deep hitting LAND and all, right?
Again, these really didn’t distract from the movie but were questionable.
notice Bishop doing the knife thing between his fingers on his desk while looking at the computer?
I mentioned this before, but AVP really shows it. What Im refering to is how Aliens inherit from their hosts. In Alien 3, the Alien used a dog as a host. Ripley mentioned that she thought it moved different than what she knew, and when you saw it, it was mostly always on all fours moving much like a dog would (well, if they were aliens :P) In AVP you got to see the Alien at the end with the mouth that looked like the predator. This reinforced that idea and might have revealed it to others who havent caught it before.
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