The village

Has anyone else seen this Piece of $h!t movie OMFG i want my money back.

thats all i have to say avoid it like the plague

Wow…I figured the first post on this flick would be all props.

Can you elaboraite (without spoilers) why it blew goat arse?

its just total crap man i dont wanna get into it cause anything i can say about the movie can spoil the crappiness


[Jim Carrey Voice] ALLLLLllllll Riiiiggggghhhhtttttyyyyy thhhhennnnn [/Jim Carrey Voice]

Looks like I must go endoure the crappyness.

[edit] or crappiness…whatever [/edit] :crazy:

I’m not sure if I want to endure the crappyness (by the way shouldn’t the Y br replaced with an I) or not

please grimdeath could you elobarate. If you’re worried about giving away spoilers then just talk about the plot (good or bad), the actors, the directing, that sort of thing. How about an out of five rating :wink:

I was actually not too far off from posting a thread asking if anyone had seen it and how good it was. Guess Im not going :slight_smile:

Well, I was gonna see that movie tonight before I go on vacation, but now im not to sure. There isn’t any good parts at all?

Well let me put it this way if you didnt like signs which i didnt may i add, your gonna hate this movie even more, and whatever you do dont take your girlfriend to watch it with you or shell fall asleep i know my gf did.

I’m still going…

i loved signs…so i’m going .yay.

Thanks a lot now I dont know if I should go tonight. Well, it looks really good from the previews and I did like signs so…Ill check it out. If it is bad I will tell you guys what is wrong with it.


I was looking forward to seeing it… it looked good. What was so bad about it!?

Signs was awesome IMHO, so that means I’ll probably enjoy this one two. I would think that people on this forum would have some considerable respect for the artistic abilities of M Night Shayamalongadingdong. Unbreakable had some awesome cinematography. I’m going.

I just read some reviews on this and turns out that it actually seems like it would be pretty bad. Only a few good reviews and tons of bad reviews. Not so sure about seeing it anymore :upset:

Meh, reviews. Be your own judge dammit. American Pie was labeled “bad” when it first got out.

Now I’m not saying The Village is good. Could be crap, I don’t know. It’s not out yet in Belgium, but I will go check it out. I loved Signs.

Exactly, the word of a critic is not the word of god… make up your own mind. About everything.

I didn’t like AP. Although I saw it well after it was released and anything that MIGHT have been funny, I had heard a thousand times over. But, didn’t like it.

Well, you didn’t like it. OK. But the rest of the world population that actually saw the movie and liked it is pretty big (try AP3, now that’s bad).
I didn’t think Big Fish was “excellent” or “amazing” either, while most reviews went all crazy about it.

Anyway, you get my point. On the other hand, it’s not fun to watch a movie you know by heart because you heard all the jokes “a thousand times over”.

Some of the movies that got the worst reviews ever can actually turn out to be a lot of fun. Ladies & Gentlemen I present…John Carpenter’s They Live.

Now I know some people are going to say they hated it but it has ammassed a small following and I love it, it’s a great movie even with Roddy Piper in the lead.

Other movies the critics didn’t like include the Magnificent Seven, Uncle Buck and the Blues Brothers :cool: :cool: