AVP…One of the best games ever made. As far as the movie debate, I excel at this movie in particular. As a note, I might spill a spoiler or two(nothing major, just backstory you find out early in the movie, or so i’ve read), so I’ll make it when i’m about to.
Aliens: The best representation of a hostile extraterrestial of all time.
Yes, Aliens can reproduce, and yes, they took over an entire planet. Problem is, that was against us Humans, which sadly to say, are wayyyy to easy to conquer. Preds area another matter. Aliens can, in fact, see through Pred camo, only because the Pred cloaking renders them invisible to the naked eye, not to infra-red, which the Aliens have a hint of in their sight.
Alien -
-Acidy Spit works only if a Pred has no armor on, but still a great weapon.
-Incredible gestation period (a few minutes and pop!)
-Lightning fast speed and agility, and insane strength.
-Take over the queen, take over the Alien’s reproductive edge.
-Simple firearms can take one out, but running the risk of splatter damage by Acidy Spit.
Predators(Preds): My favorite by far. Awesome camo, incredible weaponry, and outstanding body armor that negates the Alien’s Acidy Spit.
Right you are. This is the deal: You know those old Mayan and Incan temples? Well, according to AVP, those tribes built those as a sign of worship towards the Preds. Ya know what the Preds did? They planted Alien eggs in the complexes, and used them as Training/Rite of Passge Grounds. Every 1000 years, the Pred Mothership would drop off a few of its kind (Kinda like Pred Teenagers) at these sights, and when the ship came back, if those Preds were still alive, they would be considered full-fledged warriors/big-game hunters.
Pred -
-High-Tech advantage over spit and claws.
-Camo is a nice plus
-Having done this for 1000s of years, you’d think they’d be good at killing Aliens by now.
-Camo is useless against Aliens
-Odds are greatly stacked against them. Around 27198579327497492794327427347947947214743 Aliens to 1 Pred (Not actual Odds).
So, in the end, I’d have to say that Preds are gonna show up, kick the Alien’s ***, and walk home with a few Alien skulls to show for their hardwork.