
My post count isn’t moving, I don’t get it!

Unless there’s a mod that is very clever and witty watching the online screen to see when I post, and deleting an old one right before I finish, then I don’t understand what’s going on!

wails as the number 921 echoes in his mind and starts pulling at the edges of his brain

lol, Kirupa made it so the random forum doesn’t make the post count bigger. For everyone…


  • Soul :s:

this will hopefully cut down on pointless postings. look below for details.

ahhh, spam isn’t counted in since today :stuck_out_tongue:

either someone’s deleting your posts (…), you’ve traveled back in time, one of your little brothers is deleting your posts in one of your 12 networked computers (ssldkfjlskdfjlskfjsoccerstardlkfjsldkfjsdlfk), or kirupa is doing something about all this spam that’s going around…

It also helps to root out useful posters on the forum from those that just post in random all the time.

Oh, lib’s got the plan. Heheheh.

Alrighty, this sounds good to me!

I like new things! Didn’t this happen in the XBOX forum recently?

Good idea, anyways.