Has the post count gone down in here since the messages in Random dont count toward your total post count anymore?
Either way - it’s not a bad thing…just an observation
Has the post count gone down in here since the messages in Random dont count toward your total post count anymore?
Either way - it’s not a bad thing…just an observation
laughs until he dies
Wait, …was that a serious question?
OOOOOH! now I get what you mean.
i stilll don’t understand what you mean… individual post count? or total post count?
Random’s post count, I think he means.
The posts still count to random’s total, if that’s what you’re wondering, and if you’re thinking it’s slowed down since the change, I honestly doubt it.
Well a few of the people who I thought were just spammers, haven’t posted much (if anything) since the post counts stopped counting. Yet, some people who weren’t spammers and kept the random forum alive also haven’t posted. So this isn’t very scientific, maybe they just got drafted to go to war.
What? I post like a crack-addict and I haven’t slowed since the change!
I’m like some drug-locomotive!
Nali! get your story together! and post your GamerTag in my thread so I can add you!
pokes nali
…Nali? Are you alive? NALI!?
I wasn’t speaking about you, and no names need to be added.
I was gonna put my GamerTag (Same as my name on these forums, except no Z), but you said it was for Xbox live games. And well, i don’t play console games, so I didn’t post.
the goal of this whole thing was to increase the quality of posts, not decrease the number of posts…
just a thought…
I thought you had xbox live? didn’t you and dippy have a little conversation about when you were playing Live?
…I must be remembering things that don’t exist.
Don’t force your opinions on me. You, you anti-hippy. I have a freedom of opinion, its in the constitution. Amendment 2.
i thought that amendment was about gun control or something? or the right to a loaded gun… or something. I can’t remember.
since this new change, i havent been spending much time in random. i am starting to stay away from random, and go where people need help. (Server Side and Front page). i try to help where i can. I have been getting alot of work done, And i think the new rule was a good one.
Yeah…Random is like a really good bag of chips…
if you’re not carefull you end up mindlessly consuming way more than you should, finding yourself with no appetite for anything worthwhile.
…tis a good idea this noCounting nonsense is… =)
you know what? the fact that random’s post don’t count has led me to not give a flying monkey’s butt about my post count. I’m still going to SPAM!!! evil laugh
Edit: alex… your footer scared the crap out of me…
The reason they did that was so that people would stop spamming… Not spam more because the post counts didn’t matter.
Weird look…
~ playamarz
i noticed that too, they dont seem as alive.
yeah, I’m not having as much fun. Not because my post count is not going up, but because people aren’t spamming with fun stuff…
I think people in general are having less fun with this. At least I am… but it’s not about the post count though, it’s just the general attitude of the random board.
I can’t speak for everybody of course, but I’d imagine that some as I feel are still reeling a bit from all the high-Anxiety from the heated spam sessions that got spinning out of control…:!:
…once the dust settles, it’ll pick up again I’m sure…methInks
afew quiet days are a good thing
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