hate having to zoom in then out jut to see your work? well try this:
- Open a new image
- Go to Window|Documents|New Window
this will let you see the image at 100% while you work at 1600% on the other one!
happy pixle arting!
hate having to zoom in then out jut to see your work? well try this:
happy pixle arting!
Already knew it, but it is a good tip
good tip! I also like making the Nav window huge while my zoomed one small… then I can drag around my focus (the red box) and (if you make it big enough) see decent real time updates of what I am doing.
I guess this would only work on res at or above 1024 X 768
cant wait to see what youre working on mdipi!!
I knew that I could have 2 the same files open like that but I didn’t know how… thx!
ryall, i started one, didnt like it, so now i am doing a diff one. it might not be as good as yours, but i think it will be cool. Hint:
What has cars, food, actors?
A drive in movie theater?
BTW: I am doing one of the mr. wong apartments mdipi Thanks for that link, I will post my apartment when I am finished. Which at my rate of pixel art might take awhile, but it is my first attempt, so maybe I will speed up as I get used to it.
close lost, drive in movie theater. complete with cars! lol, yeah my mr wong was my first px too, i liked it, i messed up a few times, but it accually benifited!
Sweet. This pixel art stuff takes forever. It took me like an hour to get my sofa the way I wanted it.
And don’t even get me started on the plants… oye!
I am getting the hang of it now though… I think.
I saw the tutorial for the drive in theater on that site… you know… the one with the tutorials…lol. Ok, so I forget it, but I saw a link to it on the forum before.
Good luck with it, I know I couldn’t do it…lol. I tried it, failed miserably and just gave up in 5 minutes. That was a while ago, I now know you can’t do pixel art in 5 minutes, so I am putting more work into it and doing a semi-nice job so far.
yeah i did mine too early i should tell mr. wong to wait for me but oh well. i forgot to tell him my name! lol! yeah i am taking the tuts, its just tips oh what to do, shadows and such, the marquee tool is AWSOME for it…
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