B/W Photography Battle

Hey guys,
I just got back from Europe and I took a lot of pictures. So I decided to start a B/W Photography battle!

Theme : None
Setting : B/W
Size : max 800x600
Due Date : 8/26/04

So whos in?

ill b in[U]

Alright, great!
Just submit your entry when you want.

mind as well post mine. I had a lot of bw images to choose from, but I decided to go with this one.

No problem - im not all that good of a photography but im just gunna give it a go…

will submit a photo tommrow hopefully

thats a pretty sweet bw pic!!

i like it - infact iv saved it!!

Lol thanks man. Appreciate the comment :slight_smile:

haha yeah, nice to come back from va-ca with a lot of cool pictures and decide its a ripe time for battle :wink:

im in…if thats cool

although please dont make fun of my crappy scanner

Glad to hear your in. And don’t worry bro, the scanner’s coo :wink:

but why not get a digi cam?

grinch, you know much about decent digcams? Im in the market for one but am not sure where to start.

sen - i would start with deciding what you really want it for. Is your intent is just to point and shoot your friends and have fun with it, or if it’s going to become fairly serious for you? Also of course, your budget. And most times, you budget is going to help you decide. I would simply say that if you have any aspirations of doing photography as a hobby, spend the money now so you can grow into the camera instead of outgrowing it as your skills increase. There’s several places to visit to read up, www.dpreview.com is probably my personal fav. Blinking knows a good bit about cameras, he may be able to give you some insight.

as for blinking’s entery, I’m willing to bet it’s a shot from the class he took which was all b&w film and self-processing. I can’t wait to see what he posts.

FLUX has a very good point, I’d really think about if this is going to be serious. But one thing remember, don’t get digital zoom… shivers I’d reccomend getting a large lense digi cam, don’t waist it on a small tiny cam.

And FLUX, are you willing to join? I’d really like it if we had more persons.

yeah i’ll definitely enter =)

Alright, great!

cause i really dig b&w film and just printed some off the other day in the dark room. I learned how to develope and print a month ago, practice makes perfect and its a blast!

but if I dont have any good shots, Ill be crackin out the digi cam if I get time

Oh I see what you mean.
Funny, I just used the digicam’s setting for B/W, but obviously the ol fashion way must be better. But what do I know! :stuck_out_tongue:

actually digital camera sensors are very poor for true b&w photography. Has to do with the way they record contrast and the grain. Some tech blah blah. Although the new Canon 20d has a b&w setting on it. Weird for a dSLR. At least thats how I understand the tech with my digital camera. Without a lot of PS work it just doesnt feel the same.

I just find film more fun for b&w…plus i love the darkroom.

im in also.

blinking8s, thats cool to see someone else learning film and darkroom stuff. (Im taking a course soon) I hear the darkroom is such a cool place, although I don’t have enough money for one, so I’ll have to use my schools. I also hear you can rent darkrooms for not too much, also.

well, the chemicals dont cost too much, and you can get a used enlarger for like $200 on bhphoto.com

of course black and white is much cheaper than having a color darkroom…ive yet to try color.

and i dont own my own, i use my schools. Its a blast, like cavman photoshop…dodge and burn will have a WHOLE new meaning to you