I don’t kno if anyway has been paying attention, but Matt Reed’s new verison of his site is outstanding! Its been around for about 4-5 months now, and I wanna get him dedicated for SOTW again. www.b7ven.com Check it out and leave some feedback…
I’ve seen this site before, its very clean.
wow… very clean and creative… and staright forward nav…
he has a link to kirupa too:beam:
The site is nice, but he has to submit it himself in the sticky thread at the top of the Site of the Week forum. We changed the rules to make the process of selecting a winner more open and democratic
Kirupa :bandit:
A cool site indeed that would be a great candidate for SOTW. However, Matt Reed must submit the site himself to be eligible for the award. I suggest you point him in the direction of the sticky thread for the current week, to be included.
Ummm, if I am not mistaken, didn’t that site already win SOTW???