Hi! guys
Do you know of any codes or scripts that will prevent the back and forward button of a browser to kick you out of the site? (in Flash)
I know the easy way is to open another window from an Enter button, and I also tried one of those scripts posted earlier and also in MX those Anchor stuff that don’t work.
If you have any idea please let me know.
I will not go to sleep until someone give me an answer.
This is something else I found which is so true about disabling browser option (if possible):
If you want to annoy your customers by disabling their browser’s
back button then you’ll have to use JavaScript to do it. That’s
not an Interchange question.
I’m sure a couple of web searches will come up with specific
instructions on how to mess with people’s browsers and drive
customers away from your site.
Hey FreddyThunder, I guess I did not make myself clear
I probably need some sleep.
Maybe not disabling the back and forward buttons, but a script that would allow those buttons to act as if you were in HTML, on a regular site (non flash) back to the frame or scene that one previously viewed, or forward also.
I played a bit with the Named Anchor settings in MX but don’t work properly.
I think so…if I get what you’re saying, it’s really easy!!
Using buttons in Flash to navigate through Flash is cake. You could either have them tell the movie to go to specific places, for instance, on your button, put these actions:
//or if you don't want it to play:
Wierd…okay, well, I remembered seeing something like that back in the DHTML days (not so long ago) and I found the command and plugged it into Flash like:
(actionScript in text file below - this forum has a filter on the word ‘javascript:’)
That works for the back button, but for some reason you have to click it twice ??? Not sure why.