Back / Foward Buttons in IE

I need to know how to use the Back/Foward buttons with IE. I have a movie that has several frames. Each frame is a section of the page. If you go to a different section of the page, I want to be able to use the back button to go back to the previous section you were at.

I have searched around and found this, but it is of little help to me. I don’t know anything about how to use Javascript and flash.

I have heard rumors that there is a way to do this with named anchors, any truth to this?

Thanks in advance to all you hip kats here at kirupa.

If i understand correctly, you want to use the browser back/forward buttons to navigate through the frames the user visits. (correct if im wrong)
Thats not possible since the page is not changing, its the same page with the flash embedded, but a different flash frame.
What you can do is use arrays to store which frames the user visits and then use flash buttons to navigate through them.

Hrm…I used Robert Penners code for something like this… (file is attached)

Basically how this works is…Lets say you have a flash based site with 3 sections. Your main html page has 2 frames…one frame that loads your actual content (the flash) and one frame that is invisble…never seen. This invisible frame loads pages that correspond with your flash sections. Like home & 1.htm, contact & 2.htm, about & 3.htm. So you click contact in your flash, which loads the contact section AND the 2.htm page in your frames. The 2.htm page has some javascript which sends a variable back to flash letting flash know your on 2.htm (or contact) Since your opening invisible pages the browser saves these in its history, thus allowing you to go back/forward and when you do…the pages sends flash a variable telling it what page your on. Which will let you use the back/forward button. Hope this makes sense…

I also have a web site that uses a flash based navigation, but the rest of the site is html based. In the flash based navigation there is text in the corner letting you know what page you are currently viewing. Now this all works fine if you navigate strictly from the flash based nav (i can set variables within the flash itself) but if you navigate to a page from the html…say from news to contact via a hyperlink the flash nav doesn’t know you changed pages. I’m using javascript to tell flash what page is currently being viewed so no matter if you navigate from the flash nav or from within the page itself…the text notifification will always be right. I’m sure you can take this code and make it work for you…contact me via PM if you want to know how I did this.