Back to School

Well its that time for some of us, heading back to school. I start Aug. 30th, what about anyone else? :sigh:

What grade are you in?

I just graduated from High School last June.

Fall semester @ N.E. Institute of Art starts Sept 7th. Within that week im also moving into a new apartment and starting a new job. I took summer classes, though, and they just ended a week ago. I wish i had more than a 3 week summer vacation! I hope you guys had nice long ones.

school starts in a week. i am ganna be going to a school that only has 200 kids:P my last one has 2700

**** life is diffrent

My school started yesterday. :frowning:

My first day of school is January 3rd. :smiley: But I start work on August 30th. :frowning:

I start back on Sept. 4th. :cap:

Plenty of time to catch a couple sox games :beam: :thumb:

Back to topic:
I plan on going back to school soon. Just need to get off my lazy arse and register. I am shooting for a degree in communications.

aug 23rd, almost finished, one year left;)


Yeah I wouldnt mind starting later, Aug 30th is ok. I would like to start after labor day though.

Starting so early, they could very well spend a few days teaching the proper spelling of Schwarzenegger :stuck_out_tongue:

Sept. 7th here, blah…

Lucky university kids…

started yesterday (aug 16th)

I start September 7th-ish just like ahmed. Somewhere around there at least.

starting the 23rd. like slowroasted, only 1 year left.

My classes will be starting on Sept.7th, will be going into 2nd year of my program.
This summer has been the crappiest of my life, I had summer school (i’m trying to fast track) till the end of July. All in the while, I was working part time. Ever since my classes finished, I’ve been working 45 hrs a week :frowning: I’m actually looking forward to starting my classes and quitting my job.

You should do that, you could probably even test out of a bunch ofcourses depending on where you go back too…

I dont know what I am doing this fall I would love to not go to school since I have never stopped since kindergarden but, I think I might need a break before taking on law shcool full time…I have about a week to decide wether to defer or not!

i start uni on the 17th september

starting same time as zak, same grade same school