i had my last final today. school is done!!!:crazy:
I have two finals. Monday and Tuesday. Congrats pinx!
hehe, 4 more weeks for me…
4 more weeks for me to. you guys are lucky…
May 29, 2003. The clock is ticking slowly…:beam:
June 20th
The clock doesn’t seem to tick at all :trout:
May 29th here as well
How can school end so early in the year? Dam americans
- Soul :s:
i dont ask questions to when we get out, as long as its early, im all set.
I so envy you guys . I have a full-time job which I despise but since the job market in romania goes something like employers want plantation slaves (tons of responsibility and crap paychecks) I don’t have much of a choice. We only get 2 weeks off per YEAR. Plus I’m in school (something like 2 weekends every month from 8 AM - 6 PM) studying for a marketing degree and my exams start in about a month. Okie - really gotta go to bed now - it’s 3 AM and I’ve been modelling in max and I’ve been in work all day - I am not sane… :crazy:
yeah our school ends early may but the semester starts august 25th. so our semesters go 15 weeks.
May 7 for me =)
wow what a great party. peanut butter is great. we put peanut butter on our friend’s passed out face and he smeared it all over himself. and we taped it. so whenever those get put up, i’ll get you guys the link. eheh
hehe i end on the 27th of june, but we get more holidays/vacations then americans do during the year, so it aint a bad thing too…
yesterday was my last day of school! woohoo! my semester doesnt start until sept 04, too. ah, the benefits of art school. hehe.
hey pinx, i have some funny funny pics like that. we just put wet toilet paper and makeup and odd stuff all over him and then sent the pics to his father. hahahah. (his dad’s one of those “party types” so it was just funny, not bad for him) later we woke him up and we all went out in boston for a few hours before i finally broke down and wiped the makeup off his face. hehe. ill post pics later if anyone is interested.
JUST one MONTH and my school is Over ! but im in the 9 class !
Thats 4 weeks left ! mohahaha
:cowboy: only 4 more weeks and the dreded prison sentence is over!
I end in the 15th of May
only three final exams: math, physics, and programming
hope i do well :-\