School Ends :: Summer Begins

Today was my last day of school, oh my god, feels truly amazing to go through life without school for a few months. Although I’m sure people like me will have a week or two of exams to pass or fail, then after that, pure freedom. Where are we all going? If anywhere?

Personally, I’m stickin back and get a job as a professional couch potato for about a week or two. Then, I have to do a summer internship at the local college for 10 weeks. After that, quitting my Gade Farm job and geting an office job where I can sit down somewhere and do maybe computer stuff. Then school starts. :scream:

Until then, there are my plans.


Wow, I’m glad I don’t live in asia. I’ve been out for about 3 weeks now.

Are you in college or high school?

Asia? No, I live in Albany, NY. I’m still in high school, today is my first day as a Junior. So EXCITED!!!

summer holidays! woo! (as soon as I’ve had my one and only exam :))!

summer holiday next thursday (last day, 1/2 day at that) w00t

You guys are lucky, I have a Chemistry Final on Monday morning, an English Final that afternoon. Global Final on Wendsday. Math Final on Friday. 12 Hour Chemistry Final Correction on the Monday follow (12 hours of school…:(). Chemistry Regents on Tuesday. I hate testing.

my summer started like 2 weeks ago, but the whole last week was exams. and we got out at 1:00.:slight_smile:

Lucky. snif snif. Maxy is so screwed.

I finished mine last Saturday and got a whole 4 months to work :frowning: before I go back

i get out in august, i have summer school

I don’t get a summer break… I don’t think my employer would go for that… Enjoy the breaks while you can. =)


Yea, once work begins, no more summer vacations. So sad.

Niann, you should just take a huge vacation too. :slight_smile:

Oh sorry Max. Saw the _root.Asia and assumed you were from Asia. You New Englander’s sure do get out of school late. Junior year is pretty bad. You have to work hard and study to get good grades for college admission. Not like 2nd half of senior year, that was fun, no work at al.

I was born in Asia. :slight_smile:

Junior year is going to be really terrible. SAT, ACT, and all that three lettered tests. It’s going to suck. But once thats over, senior year is going to be absolutely amazing.

ah… well, being an art student I’ve had… most of the year off… :beam: and now I have a few months of summer holidays vefore I find out I’ve failed to get into uni :wink: this is the life :slight_smile:

Lucky, I think high school is extremely fun, it’s like, an unbelievable place to meet new people and maybe even go out with them. The only thing I hate about high school is how it affects your future. Other than that, it’s all good.

I really should take a vacation, I have one planned in September. =)


going anywhere nice?

Great, I wish I was going somewhere. But then, I have to go with my parents, they always move around and go sight seeing, which is a complete different thing than what I had in mind. I’d just sit on a beach, goto sleep, get a good tan, meet some chicks, then go from there, all without any parental supervision. That’d be my dream vacation.

my summer started yesterday