Back to School

Yep, we probably have some classes together… myself and Javi, I introduced him to the forums, and he seems to like them.

14th of Septeber, report for Pre-season for waterpolo a week before though.

Naw… i got expelled from school because me and my principal are like arch enemies… he hated that i had so much power in the school and was at the top of my class and had so little school spirit… plus in 2002 he was a principle at another school and some kids from my school stole a latin exam from them… well he raised a fuss about how he was hurt and his school was victimized… and made our school ou tto be this beatdown school… .which ain’t tru… well i knew the truth because i happened to be in the same peer group as the kids that stole it… what happened was that the kids from the otehr school came to us with the idea and gave us all the plans and camera positions… they also wanted to help sell it… well i exposed that and my principle said he woul dget me kicked out of school if he could find a way… i think what also did it was i made a senior t-shirt for my class that said “sudern wane tawt me evryting i no” we thought it was cool but he didn’t… but something else happened that wasn’t my fault that he used as an excuse to kick me out

so now i have one credit to take at a community college and i’m graduated… no big deal :smiley:

ubermensch, I love your avatar!

I start back on september 7th I think. Hooray.

Yo, we got honors gov. and thats it unless I drop chem 2 and switch into marketing, who knows? Get ready for saturday and bring the thing you made, hopefully we will have enough cause jason is going solo tonight.:crying:

hopefully he doesnt go solo to many times…

i start Sept 8th