I am so bummed out now.
I missed out on probably the best gaming experience ever- in Australia i guess. Warner VFX had a LAN last nite playing battlefield 2 on 10 thousand dollar machines used for making movies I was invifed to come alaong and join the action, but I got sick. I missed the last two days at the company, and only got two props made for the tv series they are working on.
Now could it get any worse?
I thought buying another stick of ram might make me feel better. Bought a 512 stick, installed it and now my computer is broked. Check the ram and see that I ordered the wrong type- I thought I ordered a 333 stick, but somehow I must have clicked a floating link or misread, and got a 400 stick.
Now I have to use my sisters computer to use the net, and even that sucks. he Kirupa forums are like a utopia for sick people who have to stay indoors when sick… booo hehe
And to top that off, I am back to school on tuesday for the most important hectic term of my schooling life, ahh core skills tests and majot assessment.
Oh well in 10 weeks or so when School is OUT FOREVER and all my technical problems well past fixed it should be all good.
ah that was like my first proper rant- makes me feel a bit better… heh
anyone else had such a crappy day/week?
*edit and my sister’s keyboard sucks so excuse the typos…