As I sit here

Pondering the facts and wonderings of why I have dropped by… I have come to miss all the good times I have shared with all of you…

Where have I been and what have I been doing lately? Well… I wish I knew for sure… Basically I have 2 jobs now…

1 Part Time job working at a local GNC… Make $5.15 / hr but my commission typically puts that amount around $13.00 / hr…

1 Full Time job working at a local Gym… Gold’s Gym… Make around $7.00 an hour there and I get some commission there as well…

As for Flash MX… I still know my stuff but never get to play around with it anymore. I’m addicted to my lovely gf and Warcraft 3. I play a game or two every so often… If you see me online I’ll typically wanna play… It’s an easy escape from having to work two jobs… :stuck_out_tongue:

Anyways… Just thought i’d stop by and see how everyone was doing… Take care of yourself and I’ll see you guys every so often…

playamarz :player:

I was just thinking about you Marlin…

Good to see you are still alive and making life hell for some female…


lmao… Yeah man… Thanks…

I’m getting some money saved up though… Which is what I ultimately planned to do… Of course my life is kind-a dull right now but when I can get a whole set-up in school running off the money I make I won’t complain… :slight_smile:


welcome back,

i was wondering where you went before. You just couldnt stay away. :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

Hey! :slight_smile: Haven’t seen you around for ages. :slight_smile: Good to see you’re doing alright. :beam:

:slight_smile: I’ve gotta gte going though… Gotta get to my one job… Hope to tlak to you guys sometime soon… Just thought I’d drop a line and tell everyone that I’m being dull and unprovokative.

Peace :slight_smile: playamarz :player:

dont stay away for to long. :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

whats your war3 name? i will oplay!

Hey man. We dont have a minimum actionscript requirement. Welcome back. Hang around…

*Originally posted by Iammontoya *
** We dont have a minimum actionscript requirement. Welcome back. **

are you serious?! there goes my life. lol

*Originally posted by Iammontoya *
**Hey man. We dont have a minimum actionscript requirement. Welcome back. Hang around… **

Yay! I was beginning to worry. :-\

Good to see you Marlin. =)

MARLIN!!! I was just talking to EG the other day about how I was wondering where you disappeared too. I missed ya man!

MARLIN!!! I was just talking to myself the other day about how I was wondering where you disappeared too. I’m pretty sure I missed ya man!


Hey marlin!
Glad to hear you are busy and doing well. I was starting to think that WarCraft 3 may have kidnapped you into it’s evil, addictive claws :slight_smile:

Kirupa :stuck_out_tongue:

Kirupa. war 3 is Evil? say it aint so!

Hey playa, glad to hear news from you =)

Take your time, do what you gotta do, but after that make sure you pay regular visits to kitupaville… we miss ya! :love:

Aww… Thanks guys… I’ll be sure to visit as often as I can…

Warcraft III is indeed evil… Evilly delicious… Mmmm… But anyways… It’s bringing out alot of creativity in me… Which might spawn some new programs in the near future… I love video games :slight_smile:

My war3 name is : playamarz

That wasn’t obvious was it? hehe… :slight_smile: But yeah… I’m creating a group of good players from different clans and everything to come regularly to a channel…

Channel : Players

So if you guys just wanna stop by there sometime… Just tell anyone in there that you know me and they’ll understand that you are a good Warcraft III player… :slight_smile:

Yeah… I missed all of you too… I couldn’t resist the urges and temptations of being busy at work… Hopefully I’m going to have myself a nice new laptop though… So I can get alot of my computer work done by travel… And then I can worry about fun stuff when I get home… :slight_smile:

Peace - Gotta get to work… :frowning:


Hey Marz. We’ve been missin’ ya. :slight_smile:

Jubba is a cutie…

:smiley: I mean… hehe

playamarz :player: