
I bought UT2003 today, but its REAAAL choppy on my system, so I took it back to best buy, and they wont take it cause its not defective. :frowning:

so im gonna get my friend (hes real good at making up ****, and getting his way) to go tommorow and do it for me. :slight_smile:

that bites buddy. But I think your S O L Most companies that I know of have a no return policy on software. If its broken they might give you another copy of the same game. Its mad easy to burn a copy of a game once it gets home so thats why they have this policy.

You might be better served trying to sell it on ebay

even if you could return it to best buy (god, i love that place), they’d most likely give you another copy anyway, because i think they’re policy is, if you open it, you can’t get money refund. it’s because you can very well open it and copy the CD.

UT2K3 is massively laggy sometimes!

lol… you guys get it pretty bad… in the UK… most places will accept returns if you have the receipt. in fact… Electronics Boutique used to have a 30-day, no questions asked, money back returns policy. which was great :slight_smile: but then they got bought out… not sure if GAME kept the policy :wink:

Yeah, whatever happened to EB? I always used to get my games and stuff from them, but then they vanished… Their 30 day return was a fantastic thing… :slight_smile:

There’s two GAME’s in Bromley though, plus a Computer Exchange and another shop that I can’t remember the name of. :beam:

GAME bought out EB - which is why there are so many places with two GAMES stores really close by lol. EB were pretty good… but their prices weren’t… fantastic… I dont think there are any shops that sell computer games near me… HMV :sure: WH Smith :sure: V-Shop :sure: Oh wait! no, we do have a game (ex-EB) but it’s pretty pants… Online shopping… that’s the way to do it :wink:

I wondered why there were suddenly lots of GAMEs around, but never put two and two together… :sure: The only EB near me is in Chatham, and I never go there. And as long as I’ve worked in Bromley there’s never been one here so I haven’t noticed. :slight_smile:

Actually, if you pick up a copy of Games magazine (multi platform and retro gaming mag) they give you a £5 GAME voucher every month. :beam:

Babbages still takes returns, though if you abuse the policy such as continual returns, or tampered seals on productivity software, they will end up cutting you off. As far as I know that policy has never changed.

*Originally posted by Kitiara *
**Actually, if you pick up a copy of Games magazine (multi platform and retro gaming mag) they give you a £5 GAME voucher every month. :beam: **
yeah… for a £35 game :stuck_out_tongue:

Game didn’t buy EB out. Game is still owned by EB. Game was a british company that was bought by the americans (Electronic boutique) The company decided to make their stores uniform by thus giving them all the same name. It was the british directors that fought to get the ‘Game’ brand to be used over here. Aparently it was quite a struggle, because the americans wanted the ‘EB’ brand to remain here.

At least, thats the rough story i got told when i used to work there. It was a great job, i got to take home games overnight, it was like a free rental. Plus we got to ‘test’ games if we got copies in before the officail release date. I remember testing a PS2 about a week before they were launched!.

ok, well, I stand corrected - but no EB’s exist in the UK now right?

Well I haven’t seen one for ages. Last one was probably at Paddington station, and that was about 2 years ago…

All EB high street stores have been refurbished to reflect the ‘GAME’ brand .The only uk EB that seems to exist in the UK now is the on-line equivilent.

You can tell which stores used to be EB stores as they are a lot brighter and have more ‘wood’ on show. Old game stores tend to have greys and black. (EB stores liked to stick to white and red color schemes, whereas game stores tended to stick to the purple and black kind of colour schemes)

There are EB’s all over the Place on the east coast US. Thats where I usually buy my console games. Thier policy rules. You have 14 days to play a console game (any system) if within that time you dont want it anymore, for any reason at all you can turn it in for another console game. It does not even have to be the same system. You can only do it once per purchase.

They do this because they re-sell them for the same price (or $5 off)

That place rules.

only once per purchase? At my local store, we did it as many times as the customer needed. My mate bought one game and swapped it over five times before he was happy! We only did it provided it came back undamaged however… (unless it was damaged to start with)

I think a year or so ago you were able to do it as many times as you wanted. And you had 10 days instead of 14. But because of situations like you just mentioned, they changed it :thumb:

sounds about right… I’ll my friends there about it next time i go in.

my friend went in and talked to the people, and they accused him of burning it, or not liking it, and returning it (which were both false) so he yelled at them, and took their names down. he called the general manager 2 days ago, and he said he was going to tell everyone not to shop at best buy. he didnt want that, so yesterday he got my money back, and MAYBE a job… that’s a HUGE maybe. IM HHHHHHAPPPPY!

congrats! yeah EB is still around ont he Eastcoast but GameStop bought them so i donno what will happen…