I’ve decided to continue this Random debate here, for several of you PM’ed me about this, so I think you guys should be kept in the loop as to what I said
Here is the original thread: http://www.kirupaforum.com/forums/showthread.php?t=69669
My first volley…err e-mail:
Hey Clint!
Hope you are doing well. Several members informed me that you are displaying a “kirupa Gallery” award on the home page of your site:
The only record of you having submitted a site to the SOTW was here:
It seems like you did not win for that week, so I’m just curious as to how/why
you are displaying the SOTW award? Is there another site that you created that won SOTW on the kirupa.com site?
Any clarification you can provide would help a lot =)
His response:
I can appreciate your concern regarding any improper use of your Kirupa
logo, but no place on my site does it say or suggest that I was a RECIPIENT
of any awards I have not received. The links on the homepage are merely a
list of sites and galleries which I have appreciated and enjoyed for the
fine work like yours that they portray. Some have awarded my work, and some
have not. I am not aware of any laws that restrict the linking of sites for
purposes of appreciation.
If you are not interested in people linking to your site, or if you would
prefer that I not include you in a list of sites that I felt deserved
recognition, feel free to respond stating so and I will be happy to remove
your logo.
Clint Balcom
My response:
Hey Clint,
Thanks for the response. It’s under a section marked “Awards and Recognition” on the home page, so that may be a bit misleading, for I and the involved members that found out about it did not think of it is a “mini-resources” section. We were under the impression that it was a section highlighting the awards and recognition your site has earned. In my opinion, it is a bit misleading - whether on purpose or not is not for me to judge.
So, in short, I would appreciate it if you would either place our site under a
“Resources” section as opposed to an “Awards and Recognition” section, or
remove our link. I think the latter will be a bit easier, but the former would
be nicer =)
My take on this:
I think he is being openly deceptive. Nobody would create a section called “Awards and Recognition” on their home page and consider it a form of linking to somebody when you may not have been a recipient of those awards. Him “recognizing” only awards sites makes it a bit more suspicious.
Oh well - at least he responded