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Tomshardwareguide is just a big sellout. They only care about money. They try to bash smaller sites. Trust me I have read alot from HardOCP and other websites. I have talked to the webmasters from other big tech sites and I have gotten a pretty bad response.

thanks for the info digitalpimp. I am trying to get some money in my pockets so I can get a professional graphic designer to work on my site.

*Originally posted by overclocker23 *
**I agree that tomshardware gets stuff before it is released but how do expect a new hardware website to get stuff that is released before it out in the market. We don’t base our reviews on other websites. We are all about truth. Once our alexa rating is under 40,000 we should get stuff before it is released. **

Umm… They are in the corporate world. They have had relationships with these companies and do ‘networking’ with them.

*Originally posted by overclocker23 *
**thanks for the info digitalpimp. I am trying to get some money in my pockets so I can get a professional graphic designer to work on my site. **

No problem. You should had offered to trade some design work for one of those processors… I would had done that. If you get anymore toys like that and wanna trade let me know.

So what if they have relationships with these companies. That doesn’t mean that they should lie to their visitors and do favorable reviews. You can check out or They don’t lie to their visitors. There are only few websites who don’t care about money. Anandtech or hardocp refused to change their reviews when they were contacted by manufacturers.

I will let you know. :slight_smile:

I used to love tomshardware guide one time but nowadays people don’t want to talk about it because they are worthless these days. Anandtech and HardOCP are currently the 2 most visited sites by hardware enthusiasts.

*Originally posted by overclocker23 *
**So what if they have relationships with these companies. That doesn’t mean that they should lie to their visitors and do favorable reviews. You can check out or They don’t lie to their visitors. There are only few websites who don’t care about money. Anandtech or hardocp refused to change their reviews when they were contacted by manufacturers. **

Welcome to the real world.

There is a reason why Tom’s is so big. Don’t take offense but you must still be young. It is called politics (people doing favors to get what they want). However, I haven’t seen Tom’s do any skewed reviews. What products do they favor?

Check out this editorial done by amdmb about THG (toms hardware guide)

I understand it is politics and the reason why they are so big. I may be young but I still understand what is going on? :slight_smile:

One time I saw THG reviewing an Athlon XP and in the benchmarks they used a Celeron 333Mhz CPU against it. What kind of benchmarking is that?

They always try to make Intel look bad.
Have you read the editorial, what the hell is that? THG doesn’t have the right to do something like that.

If it is polictics then how come hardocp and anandtech stick to their guns and doesn’t change their opinions about products when THG changes their opinions all the time as soon as they get threatned by their advertisers.

THG can be compared to Anandtech and HardOCP.

Anandtech earns more than 1 million dollars in advertising alone and Anand received a car from one of the sponsors but does that mean that he should do favorable reviews for them.

I emailed anand and he told me that no matter what they don’t do favorable reviews. He said that when manufacturers send them products they are well aware of Anandtech’s strict rules of testing products and they will tell the truth whether manufacturer likes it or not.

*Originally posted by overclocker23 *
**I understand it is politics and the reason why they are so big. I may be young but I still understand what is going on? :slight_smile:

One time I saw THG reviewing an Athlon XP and in the benchmarks they used a Celeron 333Mhz CPU against it. What kind of benchmarking is that?

They always try to make Intel look bad.
Have you read the editorial, what the hell is that? THG doesn’t have the right to do something like that.

If it is polictics then how come hardocp and anandtech stick to their guns and doesn’t change their opinions about products when THG changes their opinions all the time as soon as they get threatned by their advertisers. **

You mean like when THG OCed a P4 2.26 to a p4 3.4? I don’t think that is bad press…

Or how about this article where it shows Intel dominates the field?

Hardocp overclocked a 3Ghz @ 4.44Ghz

*Originally posted by overclocker23 *
**Hardocp overclocked a 3Ghz @ 4.44Ghz **

My point wasn’t who could overclock more. It was, if they put more weight into AMD then why didn’t they OC a AMD instead of Intel and furthermore, why did they push the limits on the CPU as much as they did if they wanted to make Intel look bad? You can’t say look @ hardocp they oced it another .26ghz more so obvisiouly THG is biased because the architecture is different.

PS If I ended up not being good @ computers I would had been a lawyer…

By looking at the editorial I still believe that thg is very biased and everytime I talk to people and other webmaster they don’t want to talk about thg.

My whole point is that small sites can go big if they stick to details, good content, unbiased reviews and articles.

Surely THG can’t bias intel openly. They have to make people believe that they are truthful but they change their reviews alot. One night I read about Intel in which they gave good comments but in the morning they changed the whole point of view. I later found out they did this because they were threatned by AMD since AMD is their biggest advertiser.

I think it all results by money. All sites starts out small wishing to make it popular, once it does, money starts to become a factor. When money is involved, everything goes down the drain and truth is not in the water anymore. It is almost impossible to have a big site and yet tell the truth without the money factor involved.

Anandtech has lots of ads but they still tell truth.

HardOCP doesn’t have many ads and they still tell the truth but why does other big websites have to sell out.