Basic AS for play actions. Easy stuff, I just dont understand

CS3 / AS2

Hello, i have two problems,

Any help I could get would be really appreciated.

I have a thumbnail gallery, where the images link to external swfs loading into an empty movie clip holder on the stage called “imgholder_mc”

To get some transition i have the images in external swfs tween in (fade) and then stop.
once clicked, the images should then fade out and when done fading clear the “img_holder_mc”, returning the user to the stage and clearing the image that was loaded “over top” of the thumbnails in that movie clip.

without the fades it does what i want, however i cant get it to work with them.

problem is:

My image is a movie clip (instance name= “clear_mc”) that fades in, and stops at frame 5 via a stop(); action
i want it to be so that when the the movie clip is clicked, the play resumes on frame 6 and continues to frame 10 (while fading out) at which point frame 10
needs to clear the movieclip holder that this swf was loaded into (thus bringing the user back to the gallery they started in)

I have two problems.

The first being that on frame 5 when my movie stops, i dont know how to get it to play again starting on frame 6
-this is a movie clip, i cant just say something like: (or can I???)

on (release) {



and second being once i do get the playhead moving, the code i have now to work requires a click, i would need it to be activated automatically once frame 10 is played.

var nextimage:String = “”;
function getimage() {

clear_mc.onPress = function() {

You’re input would be very appreciated.
I’ve fought with this for a very long time and im so close.
