Basic play and clear movieclip actions. "need help please


Hi, I have two problems, they seem pretty basic, but i just can’t figure out the syntax.

  1. I have a movieclip that stops on frame 5, but i need it to resume when clicked and start playing again on frame 6
    -this is a movie clip, i cant just say something like: (or can I???)

    on (release) {



  2. Once I get the playhead moving, the code i have now to work requires a click, i would need it to be activated automatically once frame 10 is played ( or a frame label is hit). How do you get a function to activate just when a frame is reached?
    (i need it to unload an external swf)

var nextimage:String = “”;
function getimage() {

clear_mc.onPress = function() {

You’re input would be very appreciated.
I’ve fought with this for a very long time.
