Javascript is very similar to actionscript so I hope somebody can help me here, pretty straight forward…
I am creating a page in Javascript / HTML (possible with DW) which will contain a large amount of images. I am using DHTML style effects to make the images increase in Alpha on mouse over.
I want to create a small box, and on mouse over I want text to appear in that box saying some details about that picture. I want to use the SAME BOX for 50 or so different images.
I would much prefer it to be text rather than switch images of text.
I want to do this in JAVASCRIPT not Flash please. I have DW, but I don’t know it atall well, so if this is an option thats easy to do in DW perhaps you can advise me that way!
thanks for any help.
PS : 2 years ago I did a course on Javascript and we did something very similar to this, and it wasn’t a lot of code but I can’t remember it, and I have no idea how to adapt Actionscript to Javascript :pirate:
Go to the Links section. Mouse over the buttons… is that the effect you are going for. If so, I will see if I can whip up a quick example on how I did it.