I recently redesigned my logo fo my portfolio, it’s not a huge change but I’ve wanted to change it for a while because my square-ish logo did not fit a lot of things like Gravatar very well. So I made a few tweaks and made a round and square one. I seem to remember that people around here were brutally honest in their design critiques so please tell me what you think and I’ll take it like a champ.
Thanks for the feedback, you two. Alltom I agree the circle especially looks awkward, the circle is just to ensure that Gravatar and other circle avatars look OK.
Also when you say left heavy, I’m not sure I understand… I thought if anything it’d be right heavy because so much of the F is out there (although the italicized text does skew things to the left).
Maybe when you say “right heavy” you think if you pushed it, it would fall to the right? I think that’s true too and makes it feel a little unstable. But by “left heavy” I mean that there’s a lot of green on the left and a lot of white on the right.
Not that this makes sense to the design at all, but putting anything in the negative space balances it for me:
One thing might be to have the text be a little smaller when inside the circle. It seems too close to the edges and looks a little too cramped. Another thing you could try is having the circle outline be a bit thicker (to mimc the thickness of the letters) and be a darker shade of the green you are using for the logo itself.