BBC America

I think this is my new favorite station.

So Graham Norton & Faking it are a hoot.

Are these shows big in the U.K.?


Ooohoooh and The Office.

Yup :slight_smile:

What else is on it?

  • Soul :s:

i love BBC its the best news i have ever read or seen

It’s because it’s English :wink:

yeah they even use the u in colour like there should be

No, there shodn’t be any excess "u"s in any words. Color, Favorite, Neighbor. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

i like the u…

I like you too :love:


U is the proper way of spelling it. When the sa (no U in usa) broke away from britain, they decided to be as differant as possible. which is why they are the only ones to still use the imperial system, they eliminated the “u”'s in words, changed mum to mom, etc.

God, theres a whole list out there somewhere.

Postu whatu youu knowu tou beu differentu. (The u’s!)

Stoopid American’s wanting to be different :stuck_out_tongue:

Ya, they’re like the french. (which they hate)

Does anyone else think the “Freedom Fries” was a stupoid idea?

This is what I think about freedom fries

I mean I just walked out my freedom doors and freedom kissed my imaginary girlfriend…


OK, dumb blonde question here…

I know the whole ‘freedom fry’ thing came from the war and the French not co-operating or whatever, but are you guys serious? I mean, are people actually going round saying “freedom fry”?!? :sure:

I don’t think so…

it’s a good thing we aren’t mad at Denmark…

then “Freedom” would come in Blackberry and Blueberry flavors…


*Originally posted by Kitiara *
**OK, dumb blonde question here…

I know the whole ‘freedom fry’ thing came from the war and the French not co-operating or whatever, but are you guys serious? I mean, are people actually going round saying “freedom fry”?!? :sure: **

Kit, I’m planning on adding the words “French” and “French Fry” to the censored words list. Actually, I have been saying Freedom fries since the last Gulf War in 1991.


Actually Kirupa, why not for just a day or 2 you have that on the sensored list just for “phun”

Hehe… :slight_smile:

I just had to ask, you know. :slight_smile: To find out if there were people in this world weird enough to call French fries ‘Freedom Fries’.

Actually, as it happens you’re all wrong and they’re called ‘chips’, but I’m willing to overlook that for the time being… :stuck_out_tongue:

Yay for chips :love: