The french really don’t want ANY english in their language at all!
The french really don’t want ANY english in their language at all!
I read this earlier today.
I was kinda urked about it. I though it was super arogant.
like “courrier electronique” is easier to say.
thats messed up, but its the same idea as freedom fries and freedom toast.
yeah - after all, we started it
I wonder if the french google.
That’s really arrogant of them.
I no longer shall call croissants by there snooty french name.
They are now Semi-Cirlce Flaky Buttery Bread Delights.
Yeah, that’ll show 'em
*Originally posted by kirupa *
**yeah - after all, we started it**
[joke]Well they could have had our back and avaided the whole thing[/joke]
Just kidding PRSTUDIO/MLK and the rest of the frenchies here :beam:
je pense que je reste avec la “croissante” merci beaucoup.
No hablo francais. Lo siento mi amigo
Je ne parle pas francais.
this is dumb (the article i mean :beam:) ‘courriel’ sound so fcking stupid.
these laws were made by old *****es (Academie Francaise) to preserve the french language - a bunch of morons.
Gawd - same things happened to CDs and DVDs here, we’re suppose to write it as ‘cédés’ and ‘dévédés’ as well as ‘cédéroms’
which is absolutely useless since CDs and DVDs are acronyms.
now if someone insists we use these stupid terminologies you’ll bet our revolutionnary blood will boil up =) !
didnt know PR was french… =) pom is though…
I understand them, what they are doing is dumb, and very hard… but I udnerstand them and dont blame them… they want to retain their culture, and because America is so popular, or american pop is… so it spreads everywhere sometimes assimulating cultures… this is not the first time they did this… they do it all the time… not because its American, but because it dismatles the french language…
Understanble… but pointless…!
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