lol i was just messing around in photoshop and i came out with this
Pheww this thread name worried me, I was apprehensive to come in lol! :bad:
I like em, although I think the dark parts are too dark.
- Soul :goatee:
what soul said is true, yet, it does look very nice and realistic… i suck at photoshop:crazy:… how do you do such thing?:sigh:
experimentation and knowledge pf the program
“experimentation and knowledge of the program”
OK Mr. Mysterious
Soul, to get some effects like these, start with some clouds and just filter away. Use lotsa layer blend efects and stuff, and u can get some pretty cool effecs. Try it sometime and you’ll be amaazed at what you can come up with.
I did not ask how he did it
- Soul :goatee:
*Originally posted by Soul *
**Pheww this thread name worried me, I was apprehensive to come in lol! :bad:
lolol Same here
Nice picture by the way, I like
thnak you much:cool:
wow! very nice! good job.
thank you much
if everyone who is interested would please visit the batle forum here
and tell me what you think of the idea, and if you are interested in joining, we need alot of people for this to work
LOL Soul, you missed ahmed’s post. He asked how to do it.